A company grows by expanding its product line, but it also grows by improving yield and efficiency. A company

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. The current account deficit (CAD) narrowed sharply to 2.2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the three months ended December (Q3FY23) from 3.7% in Q2. This indicates that India's economy is doing well.
2. The overall balance of payment (BoP) swung back to a surplus of $11 billion in Q3 after a sizeable deficit in Q2. This indicates that India is importing less and exporting more.
3. India's GDP growth is expected to remain resilient even in the face of global growth slowdown. This is good news for India's economy.

     The current account deficit (CAD) narrowed sharply to 2.2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the three months ended December (Q3FY23) from 3.7% in Q2. This is largely due to a sharp fall in the trade deficit, which was down to US$3.5 billion in Q3FY23 from US$8.5 billion in Q2. The fall in the trade deficit was largely driven by a fall in the trade in goods and services deficit, which was down to US$5.1 billion in Q3FY23 from US$8.8 billion in Q2. The trade in goods and services deficit was largely driven by a fall in the trade in goods deficit, which was down to US$4.8 billion in Q3FY23 from US$7.7 billion in Q2. The fall in the trade in goods deficit was largely driven by a fall in the trade in goods deficit with China, which was down to US$2.4 billion in Q3FY23 from US$4.2 billion in Q2. The fall in the trade in goods deficit was largely driven by a fall in the trade in goods deficit with the rest of the world, which was down to US$2.2 billion in Q3FY23 from US$3.3 billion in Q2.

     The current account deficit (CAD) narrowed sharply to 2.2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the three months ended December (Q3FY23) from 3.7% in Q2. This is largely due to a sharp fall in the trade deficit, which was down to US$3.5 billion in Q3FY23 from US$8.5 billion in Q2. The fall in the trade deficit was largely driven by a fall in the trade in goods and services deficit, which was down to US$5.1 billion in Q3FY23 from US$8.8 billion in Q2. The trade in goods and services deficit was largely driven by a fall in the trade in goods deficit, which was down to US$4.8 billion in Q3FY23 from US$7.7 billion in Q2. The fall in the trade in goods deficit was largely driven by a fall in the trade in goods deficit with China, which was down to US$2.4 billion in Q3FY23 from US$4.2 billion in Q2. The fall in the trade in goods deficit was largely driven by a fall in the trade in goods deficit with the rest of the world, which was down to US$2.2 billion in Q3FY23 from US$3.3 billion in Q2.

     The current account deficit (CAD) narrowed sharply to 2.2% of the gross domestic product

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