A new study of wooded grasslands in Africa 21 million years ago finds that some early ancestors of humans may have lived in

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Key Highlights :

1. Africa was once a lush environment, with forests stretching from coast to coast, but this changed around 10 million years ago when grasslands and shrubs started to take over.
2. The traditional scientific narrative of human evolution is not supported by evidence from paleontological and paleoclimatological research.
3. The first hominins, our distant ancestors, ventured out of the forest remnants that had been home onto the grass-covered savanna.
4. The environment pushed a radical change for our lineage - we became bipedal.
5. The study of paleosols and the analysis of carbon isotope ratios provide evidence that Moroto was an open woodland and grassland environment.

     Human evolution is tightly connected to the environment and landscape of Africa, where our ancestors first emerged. The continent has played a critical role in the development of human beings, and its unique environment has had a profound impact on the evolution of our species.

     Africa has been the birthplace of humanity, and it has been the site of some of the most important events in human history. Our ancestors first emerged in Africa about 2.5 million years ago. During the course of human evolution, Africa has played a significant role in the development of our species.

     Africa has a wide variety of environments, and each one has had a profound impact on the evolution of human beings. Africa is home to a variety of climates, from the hot and dry deserts of the Sahara to the lush rain forests of Africa’s Congo basin. Africa’s landscape is also varied, from the highlands of Ethiopia to the coastal plains of West Africa.

     Africa’s diverse environment has had a profound impact on the evolution of human beings. For example, Africa’s climate has played a critical role in the development of our species. Africa’s climate has been variable over the course of human history, and it has had a profound impact on the evolution of human beings. Africa’s climate has been hot and dry in the Sahara desert, wet and hot in the rain forests of Africa’s Congo basin, and cold and dry in the highlands of Ethiopia.

     Africa’s climate has had a profound impact on the development of our species. For example, Africa’s climate has been hot and dry in the Sahara desert, wet and hot in the rain forests of Africa’s Congo basin, and cold and dry in the highlands of Ethiopia. Africa’s climate has also been variable over the course of human history, and it has had a profound impact on the evolution of human beings. Africa’s climate has been hot and dry in the Sahara desert, wet and hot in the rain forests of Africa’s Congo basin, and cold and dry in the highlands of Ethiopia.

     Africa’s landscape has also had a profound impact on the development of human beings. Africa’s landscape is varied, and it has played a critical role in the evolution of our species. Africa’s landscape is rugged and hilly, and it has been a barrier to the spread of human beings into other parts of the world. Africa’s landscape is also flat and open, and it has been a source of food for human beings.

     Africa’s landscape has had a profound impact on the development of human beings. For example, Africa’s landscape is rugged and hilly, and it has been a barrier to the spread of human beings into other parts of the world. Africa’s landscape is also flat

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