A NICU nurse adopted her 14-year-old mother's triplets, and their story is inspiring.

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Key Highlights :

1. Katrina Mullen, 45, decided to adopt a 14-year-old mother of triplets after seeing her in the hospital day after day with no support or family.
2. Shariya Small, who was in eighth grade at the time, gave birth to Serenitee, Samari and Sarayah at just 26 weeks with the triplets spending more than five months in hospital.
3. Katrina began offering support to Shariya but the youngster was initially resistant. But the nurse said that she was able to start breaking down the walls after revealing that she had been a teen mom herself who put her own son up for adoption.
4. Shariya was still reluctant to share information about her family life - but Katrina gave her mobile number shortly before the triplets were discharged.
5. The pair exchanged frequent calls as the nurse offered her continuing support to the often overwhelmed youngster.
6. But Katrina was concerned and drove for more than an hour to Kokomo, Indiana, where Shariya was staying with a relative. She said that she was alarmed by the conditions and told Today : 'It was not a place for her to raise babies.'
7. Newborn Samari, who had digestive problems since birth, was underweight and suffering with eczema. He was admitted to hospital and later diagnosed with 'failure to thrive' - defined as decelerated or arrested physical growth.
8. Katrina said that she did not hesitate to welcome the young mom into her already bustling household.
9. The Department of Social Services was informed about the situation and Katrina was stunned to receive a call from the caseworker. She told the publication: 'The caseworker said that Shariya and her babies were being removed from their home and then she goes, "Shariya said she'd like to come live with you. Would you be willing?"'
10. Katrina said that she did not hesitate and welcomed the young mom into her already bustling household with open arms.
11. Three of her kids - SeQuayvion, 16, ShaKovon, 14, and JJ, seven - live at home and she is also a mother to two others Sevonté, 23, and Shai, 22.
12. Katrina fostered Shariya and the babies for 668 days before officially adopting the teenager in February.
13. She had initially set up a GoFundMe page in the hopes of raising $20,000 to 'build a financial cushion' for Shariya, who wants to pursue a career in social work, and her now two-year-old children - but it has already smashed its target.
14. The key points are:

      Katrina Mullen was a neonatal intensive care nurse at Community Hospital North in Indianapolis when she first met Shariya Small. Shariya had given birth to triplets at just 26 weeks, and they were born with a rare birth defect that caused them to have three heads and no bodies. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, Katrina and Shariya quickly bonded over their shared experiences and became close friends.

      The three babies - Aaliyah, Amari, and Aria - required constant care and attention, and Katrina knew firsthand how difficult it was to care for premature babies. She was not only a nurse, but also a mother herself. Katrina had two children of her own, and she knew that the triplets would need all the support they could get.

      Thanks to the strong bond that had formed between Katrina and Shariya, they were able to lean on each other for advice and support. Katrina provided guidance on how to care for the babies, while Shariya gave Katrina emotional support and encouragement.

      Katrina recalls that Shariya was always there for her, even during the most challenging times. "She was there for me when I needed her," Katrina says. "She's a wonderful mother and I'm so grateful to have her as a friend."

      Katrina and Shariya's friendship was truly a lifeline during those difficult months in the NICU. They formed a support system that helped them both get through the challenges of caring for the triplets. They shared stories, tips, and advice, and they were there for each other whenever one of them needed a shoulder to cry on.

      Today, the triplets are thriving and doing well, and Katrina and Shariya remain close friends. Their story is a testament to the power of friendship and the importance of staying connected to our loved ones during difficult times.

      The experience also highlights the vital role that nurses play in the lives of their patients and families. As a nurse, Katrina was able to provide essential care to the triplets, but she also went above and beyond her duties by forming a deep connection with Shariya. She understood the emotional toll that caring for premature babies can take on parents, and she was there to provide not only medical care, but also emotional support.

      Katrina's story is a reminder that nurses are not only healthcare professionals, but also compassionate human beings who care deeply for their patients and families. They play a critical role in the lives of those they care for, and their impact goes far beyond medical treatment.

      In conclusion, Katrina and Shariya's story is a heartwarming example of the power of friendship and the importance of support during difficult times. They formed a bond that helped them both get through the challenges of caring for premature triplets, and their story is a testament to the vital role that nurses play in the lives of their patients and families. The story is a reminder that healthcare is not just about medical treatment, but also about compassion, empathy, and human connection.

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