A recent report by Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that there will be a shortfall of over 37 lakh cybersecurity jobs globally by 2021.

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. There is a global cybersecurity workforce gap and in India, the skill shortage has contributed to critical IT positions not being filled.
2. Around 92 per cent of Indian organisations experienced cyber breaches in 2022, underlining an urgent need for cybersecurity skills training.
3. The report also found that 24 per cent of Indian organisations experienced five or more breaches.
4. As a result of unfilled IT positions due to the cyber skills shortage, the report also found that 84 per cent of organisations in India indicate they face additional cyber risks.
5. Nearly half of organisations in India (among those surveyed) suffered breaches in the past 12 months that cost more than $1 million to remediate.

     The global cybersecurity workforce gap is a problem that is only going to get worse, according to a report released Tuesday. The report, released by the International Cybersecurity Alliance (ICA), estimates that there is a global cybersecurity workforce gap of 1.5 million professionals. And that number is only going to increase as the demand for cybersecurity professionals continues to grow.

     The report pointed to India as a country that is facing a critical cybersecurity workforce shortage. Around 3.14 million professionals are needed to fill the gap globally, and that number is even higher in India, where 92 per cent of organisations experienced cyber breaches in 2022. This shortage of cybersecurity professionals is causing organisations to experience increased cyber risks, such as breaches.

     The ICA report recommends that governments, businesses, and educators work together to address the cybersecurity workforce gap. This will help to ensure that the demand for cybersecurity professionals is met, and that organisations are not exposed to increased cyber risks.

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