An accused man who was issued with a domestic violence order was found in a hotel with his victim.
Key Highlights :
1. There have been a number of offenders at Grimsby Magistrates' Court in recent days, including a man who was fined £100 for dropping a cigarette butt, a woman caught fly-tipping and a man who was issued with a domestic violence protection order and then found inside a Grimsby hotel room with his victim.
2. While more serious cases were sent to be held at Grimsby Crown Court and some were adjourned to be tried at a later date, many criminals were last week handed prison sentences and fines for their offences.
3. Here are eight offenders to appear at Grimsby Magistrates' Court in recent days: Ben Harmer, 33, of Fairfax Road, Grimsby admitted breaching a domestic violence protection order after being found in a hotel room of St James' Hotel in Grimsby with the victim. He was imprisoned for four weeks. Jason Brammer, 33, of Highgate, Cleethorpes pleaded guilty to dropping a cigarette on Freeman Street, contrary to section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. He was fined £116 and ordered to pay a victim services surcharge of £34. Suzanne Hartley, 53, of Seascale Walk, Grimsby indicated a plea of guilty to depositing controlled waste on Mill Lane, Immingham without an environmental permit to do so. She was ordered to pay costs of £100, fined £40 and ordered to pay a victim services surcharge of £34. Greg Fletcher, 41, of Spruce Avenue, Grimsby admitted failing to supply waste transfer notes when asked to do so, despite being a person subject to a duty of care in respect of controlled waste. He was fined £120, ordered to pay costs of £200 and a victim services surcharge of £32. Nathan Blow, 28, of Albert Place, Grimsby was found guilty through the Single Justice Procedure of failing to give information about the driver of a vehicle who is alleged to have been guilty of an offence when asked to do so. He was disqualified from driving for six months, fined £660, ordered to pay costs of £110 and a victim services surcharge of £66. Nikolaos Trantalis, 59, of Morley Road, Scunthorpe pleaded guilty through the Single Justice Procedure to driving on the M180 at a speed of 87mph. His driving licence was endorsed with three points, he was fined £73, ordered to pay costs of £110 and a victim services surcharge of £34. Ionel Rusu, of Henry Street, Grimsby pleaded guilty to driving on a restricted road at a speed of 43mph when the speed limit was 30mph. His driving licence was endorsed with three points, he was fined £283 and ordered to pay costs of £90 and a victim services surcharge of £34. Steven Whittleton, 52, of Highfield Avenue, Grimsby admitted to failing,
A man was fined £100 and charged additional costs after dropping a cigarette on Freeman Street. The man was fined £100 and charged an additional £25 for dropping the cigarette. The man was also charged an additional £25 for littering.
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