As Japan ages, young Indonesians are training to fill caregiving jobs. This is because there is a shortage of caregivers

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. Indonesian youths are very capable of caring for the elderly, which is why Japan has chosen them to work in Japan as caretakers.
2. Japan is one of the world's most rapidly ageing societies, and as a result, there are a lot of job vacancies in Japan that need to be filled. Indonesian youths are able to fill these jobs very well.


     Japan is quickly aging, and this is starting to have a major impact on its workforce. According to the Japan National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, by 2060, the number of people over the age of 65 will have doubled to more than 20 million. This is going to create a lot of new jobs for people who are trained to take on these roles, and that's where Indonesians come in.

     Indonesians are already well-versed in taking care of elderly people, and they're also very good at speaking Japanese. This makes them a perfect choice for caregiving jobs in Japan, and there are already a lot of them available. In fact, it's estimated that there will be more than 1 million Indonesian carers in Japan by 2060.

     There are a number of reasons why Indonesians are so good at taking care of elderly people. First of all, they're used to working hard, and they know how to take care of people. Indonesians are also very patient, and they're usually very respectful. Finally, Indonesians are usually very organized, which is important when it comes to taking care of someone who is elderly and might have problems with memory or coordination.

     There are a number of vocational training programs that are available to Indonesians who want to become carers in Japan. These programs usually involve a lot of English training, and they also usually involve training in Japanese culture and customs. In addition, most programs also offer training in caregiving skills such as cooking, bathing, and toileting.

     There are a number of different programs that are available, and the best way to find out about them is to visit the website of the Japan Caring Association. This website has a lot of information about the different programs, and it also has a lot of information about the benefits of becoming a carer in Japan.

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