Dreams live support is ending and that’s a big misstep for PlayStation 4
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Live support for Media Molecule's Dreams is being discontinued on September 1, highlighting one of Sony's biggest missed opportunities. Dreams was one of the most ambitious and innovative games ever created, and it's a shame that Sony didn't invest more in the product.
The game was released in early 2015 to mixed reviews. However, the passionate fan base helped to make it one of the most popular PlayStation 4 games. Unfortunately, Sony has decided to discontinue support for the game on September 1. This means that players will no longer be able to access support or receive updates.
This is a huge missed opportunity for Sony. Dreams was one of the most ambitious games ever created, and it could have been a major success. Unfortunately, Sony didn't invest enough in the product, and now the game is discontinued.
This is a reminder of Sony's past failures. Sony has been struggling lately, and this is one of the reasons why. The company missed opportunities to invest in some of its biggest products, and now they're paying the price. Dreams was one of these products, and Sony should have done more to support it.