Eskom has been experiencing problems with its electricity supply since 2008. The company has tried to solve the issue by investing

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. Eskom's electricity production has been declining for 17 consecutive months and is currently only supplying SA with 13152GWh, a decline of nearly 37%.
2. Eskom's inability to keep producing power is causing economic growth to be limited and only increasing to 1.4% next year and 1.6% in 2025, reflecting continued structural constraints and subdued domestic demand.
3. The Sarb estimates that Stage 6 load shedding reduces production by as much as R899 million for every day of load shedding during the week.
4. The losses in production – and in wages and salaries paid to workers and profit to business owners – will be massive, based on the Sarb forecast that we will see 250 days with electricity interruptions in 2023, 150 days in 2024 and 100 days in 2025.

     The State of Electricity Generation in Victoria

     Victoria is currently in Stage 6 load shedding, which is the lowest level of electricity generation since 1994. This means that Victoria will be generating less electricity than usual, and people may experience power outages.

     What is Load Shedding?

     Load shedding is a type of energy rationing that occurs when there is not enough electricity to meet demand. In Victoria, load shedding is usually done in stages to reduce the amount of electricity that is being used. This helps to conserve energy and protect the power grid.

     How Does Load Shedding Affect Victoria's Citizens?

     People in Victoria may experience power outages if the electricity generation falls below Stage 6. This means that there may be less electricity available for people to use, and they may have to wait longer for their electricity to come back on.

     What Can You Do to Prepare for Load Shedding?

     If you are worried about the possibility of load shedding happening in your area, you can prepare by stocking up on food and water, and making sure that you have a backup plan for electricity. You can also sign up for email notifications about load shedding so that you are aware of changes as they happen.

     Thank you for reading!

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