Futtle makes beer with organic Scottish hops.
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Futtle, a brewery located in Fife, Scotland, is set to launch a new beer that features organic Scottish hops. The beer, named Organic Hops, is made using a blend of organic and conventional hops and will be available at select bottle shops and pubs in Fife, as well as at Futtle's taproom. This is a unique offering as it is the first beer in Scotland to be made using organic hops.
The creation of Organic Hops was a collaborative effort between Futtle and the Scottish Organic Agriculture Association (SOAA). The beer was brewed with organic Scottish hops, which are known for their more intense flavor compared to conventional hops. The mixture of organic and conventional hops gives Organic Hops its distinct taste.
According to Jamie, the brewer at Futtle, "We're really excited to be launching Organic Hops, as it's the first beer in Scotland to be made using organic hops. The beer is light and refreshing, and we think it will be a hit with our customers."
Graeme, the director of SOAA, expressed his pride in the collaboration, stating, "We're really proud of Organic Hops, and we think it's a great beer. It's great to see FIFE brewery Futtle taking such an innovative approach to beer brewing, and we're happy to have helped them make the beer."
Futtle has been gradually increasing its organic beer offerings, with Organic Hops being the latest addition. The brewery has been making an effort to incorporate more sustainable and organic practices into its brewing process.
Organic Hops is available for purchase at Futtle's taproom, as well as select pubs and bottle shops in Fife. The beer's unique blend of organic and conventional hops, coupled with the use of organic Scottish hops, is sure to make it a popular choice for beer enthusiasts looking for a new and exciting flavor.