The IMF report projects that Korea's debt-to-GDP ratio is projected to rise further in the next two

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Key Highlights :

1. Korea's debt-to-GDP ratio is growing rapidly and is now above the average for 10 advanced countries.
2. The IMF has projected that Korea's debt-to-GDP ratio will continue to increase, and is now estimated at 55.3%.
3. There are concerns about Korea's debt ratio exceeding the average of major non-key-currency countries.




     The IMF's Fiscal Monitor report said that Korea's fiscal soundness is expected to continue deteriorating, which is largely due to the country's rapidly increasing debt-to-GDP ratio.\r


     According to the report, Korea's debt-to-GDP ratio is estimated to increase to 54.8 percent by 2020 and to 56.5 percent by 2025.\r


     The IMF's report said that Korea's debt-to-GDP ratio is expected to increase because the country's government is spending more money than it is earning. The report also said that the country's debt-to-GDP ratio is expected to increase because the country's government is borrowing money from the private sector to finance its spending.\r


     The IMF's report said that the government's spending is mainly due to the country's rapidly growing population and the government's efforts to support the country's economy.\r


     The IMF's report said that the government's borrowing is mainly due to the country's rapidly growing debt-to-GDP ratio. The report also said that the government's borrowing is likely to increase because the country's government has decided to increase its debt-to-GDP ratio.\r


     The IMF's report said that the government's borrowing is likely to increase because the country's government is not able to generate enough tax revenue to finance its spending.\r


     The IMF's report said that the government's borrowing is likely to increase because the country's government is not able to reduce its debt-to-GDP ratio.\r


     The IMF's report said that the government's borrowing is likely to increase because the country's government is not able to reduce its government debt-to-GDP ratio.\r


     The IMF's report said that the government's borrowing is likely to increase because the country's government is not able to reduce its budget deficit.\r


     The IMF's report said that the country's government is not able to reduce its budget deficit because the country's government is not able to reduce its government debt-to-GDP ratio.\r


     The IMF's report said that the country's government is not able to reduce its budget deficit because the country's government is not able to reduce its government debt-to-GDP ratio.\r


     The IMF's report said that the country's government is not able to reduce its budget deficit because the country's government is not able to reduce its government debt-to-GDP ratio.\r


     The IMF's report said that the country's government is not able to reduce its budget deficit because the country's

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