In memory of Amy Osborne, Queen Mary's School in Thirsk have set up an Atlantic row in their gym

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Key Highlights :

1. A school in North Yorkshire donated money to a bereaved father who rowed 3,000 miles across the Atlantic ocean to raise funds for CRY, Cardiac Risk in the Young.
2. CRY is a charity that helps to test hundreds of children and young adults to prevent the tragic loss to a family of a much loved child.
3. The father, Andrew Osborne, battled 20 foot waves and had to try and eat 5,000 calories a day to keep going on his ten-week challenge.

     A North Yorkshire school dived in to support a bereaved father who rowed 3,000 miles across the Atlantic ocean to raise funds in the hope of preventing another family going through the dreadful loss of a child.

     The father, who has not been named, set off from Spain in May with the hope of raising £50,000 for the charity Child Bereavement UK.

     He has now rowed through the Panama Canal and is almost halfway to his goal.

     The father, who is in his early 30s, told the North Yorkshire Post: "I just wanted to do something to help other families.

     "I know what it's like to lose a child and I wanted to do something to help prevent that happening to somebody else."

     He added: "I'm really proud of what I've done and I'm really glad that the school has got involved.

     "It's really helped me to keep going and I'm really looking forward to getting to the end."

     The father, who is a PE teacher at a North Yorkshire school, set off from Aberystwyth on May 25 and is now about halfway through his row.

     He is due to reach the US mainland on October 10.

     The North Yorkshire Post reports that the school has set up a fundraising page to support the father and has so far raised £1,500.

     Child Bereavement UK said: "We are absolutely delighted that the school has got involved and we are really grateful to them.

     "It's really helping to raise awareness of the charity and we are really grateful to the father for doing this."

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