Iran reopened its embassy in Saudi Arabia after several years of closure.

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. The embassy in Saudi Arabia reopened on Wednesday after being closed for seven years.
2. The embassy was reopened as part of an agreement to reduce the rivalry between the two countries.
3. The countries are discussing the restoration of Saudi's embassy in Tehran.

     Iran reopened its embassy in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday after several years of closure, marking the latest sign of warming relations between the two regional rivals.

     The embassy, which was closed in 2012, will provide a "better and more efficient" service to Iranian nationals in Saudi Arabia, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a statement.

     The move comes as both countries face mounting international pressure to improve relations, following Tehran's nuclear deal with world powers.

     Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said the embassy would also help improve bilateral trade and investment.

     Saudi Arabia closed its embassy in Tehran in 2012 after Saudi Arabia's then-King Abdullah was quoted as saying that Iran was "the main source of regional instability".

     Relations between the two countries have improved significantly since then, with both sides participating in the nuclear deal negotiations and agreeing to resume trade and investment.

     The embassy opening comes as Saudi Arabia and Iran are set to hold talks in Tehran on Wednesday to discuss regional issues.

     The Iranian Embassy in Riyadh reopened today after being closed for several years. This is a big move in the right direction and shows that both countries want to improve relations.

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