Modern slavery is on the rise, but efforts to tackle it are waning as transparency rules are being ignored. Modern slavery

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. There has been a 46% drop in the number of companies submitting statements to the UK's Modern Slavery Act 2015's registry since 2018.
2. Just 29% of organisations required to produce a statement have submitted it to the Government registry.
3. The Government is expected to introduce a new modern slavery bill to Parliament this year that would make submissions to the registry mandatory for qualifying businesses.
4. Dame Rishi Sunak, former prime minister, has been criticized this week over his flagship immigration reforms, which could make it harder for modern slavery and trafficking victims to come forward.

     The Government registry for modern slavery was launched in 2015 with the aim of identifying and preventing slavery and human trafficking. However, a recent analysis has found that only 29% of organisations required to produce a statement have submitted it to the Government registry for 2022.

     The analysis, which was carried out by the Modern Slavery Foundation (MSF), found that a number of organisations are not yet aware of their obligations under the Government registry, and that some are not taking the necessary steps to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

     MSF is urging organisations to take action to comply with the Government registry, and to ensure that they are aware of their obligations under the law. Failure to take action could lead to serious consequences for organisations, including fines and sanctions.

     The Government registry is an important tool for organisations to identify and prevent slavery and human trafficking. If you are an organisation that is required to produce a statement under the Government registry, please take action to comply with the law.

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