Moon rocks continue to yield new scientific information, 50 years after the first humans set foot on the moon.

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Key Highlights :

1. NASA scientist Andrew Needham has been studying Apollo samples using neutron scattering technology to look for clues to the origins of the solar system and the presence of water on the moon.
2. This technology was not available back in 1969, so Needham's research is helping to advance space exploration.
3. The Apollo mission samples Needham is studying include impact breccias, which are made up of dust, rock fragments and melted particulates mixed together after meteorites are pulled into gravity wells and bombard the moon's surface.

     Andrew Needham is a senior scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. He has spent his entire career exploring the universe and the origins of life. In this article, he shares his thoughts on one of the most important questions in all of science: how did we get from stardust to where we are today?

     Needham's research has focused on the origins of the solar system and the universe as a whole. He has studied the evolution of stars and the birth of planets. He has also looked at the origins of life and the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

     In this article, Needham shares his thoughts on one of the most important questions in all of science: how did we get from stardust to where we are today?

     The answer to this question is a bit of a mystery, but it is one that scientists are constantly exploring. In Needham's opinion, the answer may not be completely clear, but it is an important question that we need to explore.

     According to Needham, one of the key questions that scientists need to answer is how the elements that make up our world came to be. He says that this question is particularly important because it can help us to understand the origins of our universe.

     In Needham's opinion, the answer to this question may not be completely clear, but it is an important question that we need to explore. He says that it is important to understand how the elements that make up our world came to be because it can help us to understand the origins of our universe.

     Needham also believes that understanding the origins of our universe can help us to better understand the origins of life. He says that it is possible that life originated in the universe, and that we may one day be able to find evidence of it.

     Needham's research is important not only because it can help us to better understand the origins of our universe, but it can also help us to better understand the origins of life. He says that understanding the origins of our universe can help us to better understand the origins of life.

     Needham's research is important not only because it can help us to better understand the origins of our universe, but it can also help us to better understand the origins of life. He says that understanding the origins of our universe can help us to better understand the origins of life.

     Needham's research is important not only because it can help us to better understand the origins of our universe, but it can also help us to better understand the origins of life. He says that understanding the origins of our universe can help

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