Mushaal deplores world’s silence over Indian govt’s rising fascism in Kashmir Mushaal

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. The chairperson of the Peace and Culture Organization deplores the world's silence over the un­abated and continued fascism and brutalities unleashed by the notori­ous Narendra Modi-led Indian government.
2. The Indian government is illegally occupying Jammu and Kashmir, and the world shows unity and joins hands against Russia for its invasion against Ukraine, but observes criminal silence over Indian fascist government inhuman policies in the occupied valley.
3. The chairperson condemned the lethargic and unconcerned attitude towards Kashmir region which is turned into a largest open prison in the world and biggest tortured cell in the world.
4. The Indian government is violating and trampling international laws and agreements by depriving the Kashmiris of their fundamental rights, as the occupied forces turn the valley into a living hell for its inhabitants.

     Islamabad - Mushaal Hussein Mullick Chair­person Peace and Culture Organi­zation deplored the world powers and UN bodies’ silence over the un­abated and continued fascism and brutalities unleashed by the notori­ous Narendra Modi-led Indian gov­ernment Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

     Islamabad, Pakistan - Mushaal Hussein Mullick Chair­person Peace and Culture Organi­zation deplored the world powers and UN bodies’ silence over the un­abated and continued fascism and brutalities unleashed by the notori­ous Narendra Modi-led Indian gov­ernment Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

     Islamabad - Mushaal Hussein Mullick Chair­person Peace and Culture Organi­zation deplored the world powers and UN bodies’ silence over the un­abated and continued fascism and brutalities unleashed by the notori­ous Narendra Modi-led Indian gov­ernment Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

     Islamabad - Mushaal Hussein Mullick Chair­person Peace and Culture Organi­zation deplored the world powers and UN bodies’ silence over the un­abated and continued fascism and brutalities unleashed by the notori­ous Narendra Modi-led Indian gov­ernment Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

     Islamabad - Mushaal Hussein Mullick Chair­person Peace and Culture Organi­zation deplored the world powers and UN bodies’ silence over the un­abated and continued fascism and brutalities unleashed by the notori­ous Narendra Modi-led Indian gov­ernment Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

     Islamabad - Mushaal Hussein Mullick Chair­person Peace and Culture Organi­zation deplored the world powers and UN bodies’ silence over the un­abated and continued fascism and brutalities unleashed by the notori­ous Narendra Modi-led Indian gov­ernment Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

     Islamabad - Mushaal Hussein Mullick Chair­person Peace and Culture Organi­zation deplored the world powers and UN bodies’ silence over the un­abated and continued fascism and brutalities unleashed by the notori­ous Narendra Modi-led Indian gov­ernment Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

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