On Tuesday, November 28, 2017, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum signed into law a bill that bans transgender athletes from

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Key Highlights :

1. North Dakota's Republican Governor Doug Burgum signed two transgender athlete bans into law, effectively prohibiting transgender girls and women from joining female sports teams in K-12 and college.
2. Lawmakers in the House and Senate passed the bills with veto-proof majorities this year. If the governor had vetoed the bills or refused to sign them, the bills likely would’ve still become law.
3. Burgum said in a statement that over the past two years, with more than 27,000 students participating in North Dakota high school sports, “there still has not been a single recorded incident of a transgender girl playing or entering the process to even ask to play on a North Dakota girls’ team.”
4. Nevertheless, the Legislature has now “resoundingly determined” that restrictions beyond the current rules for girls’ sports should be codified in state law, he said.
5. At least 19 other states have imposed restrictions on transgender athletes.
6. Republican lawmakers across the U.S. have drafted hundreds of laws this year to push back on LGBTQ+ freedoms, especially targeting transgender people’s everyday lives - including sports, health care, bathrooms, workplaces and schools.
7. The Biden administration this month proposed a rule, which still faces a lengthy approval process, to forbid outright bans on transgender athletes.
8. In 2021, Burgum vetoed a nearly identical bill that would have banned transgender girls from playing on girls’ teams in public schools. Lawmakers didn’t have enough votes that year to override the veto. This year, lawmakers wrote new legislation to replicate and expand that bill - including at the college level. Those bills are now law.

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum Signs Transgender Athlete Bans Into Law

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