Pakistan is requesting for US financial assistance again from the IMF. The IMF has been considering Pakistan's request and is expected to make a

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Key Highlights :

1. Pakistan has asked the US to play its role in restoring the IMF loan programme;2. The government has taken all tough decisions, including increasing power and gas prices and imposing new taxation measures, in order to restore the programme;3. The government has accepted two more conditions from the IMF;4. Donald Blome expressed confidence in the policies and programmes of the government and extended his support to further promote bilateral economic, investment and trade relations between the two countries.

     Islamabad has once again asked United States (US) to play its role in restoring the much-needed loan programme for Is­lamabad. The delay in finalizing the staff level agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has once again put the country's economy in a precarious situation. The IMF loan programme was first approved in December 2017 but has yet to be finalized. The delay is due to disagreements over the staff level agreement between the IMF and the government of Pakistan. The IMF has been insisting on appointing a full-time Deputy Director for the country, while the Pakistani authorities are insisting on retaining the right to appoint the deputy director. In a recent interview, IMF Resident Representative for Pakistan, Shahid Javed Burki, said that the delay in finalizing the staff level agreement is "not a big deal" and that the IMF is "working hard" to finalize it.

     Islamabad has been struggling to repay its debt obligations since the late 1990s. The country's debt burden has increased significantly in recent years, partly as a result of large infrastructure investments made by the previous government. The government has been trying to negotiate a new debt agreement with the IMF but has been unsuccessful so far. The IMF has warned Pakistan that it could face sanctions if it does not meet its debt obligations.

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