PFA has stopped production at two units, fined 18 FBOs.

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has stopped production at two food points, penalised 18 food business operators (FBOs) with hefty fines, and served warning notices to 82 eateries.
2. During the operation, the PFA took action against FBOs for not taking proper measures to control insects, using substandard ingredients in food, worst condition of hygiene, and also failure to present necessary records to the raiding teams.
3. Workers of the food points did not have medical certificates. The PFA requested the public to cooperate with the Punjab Food Authority in identifying the counterfeiting mafia while citizens could complain regarding violations of food safety issues, adulteration mafia, and unhygienic food points on the 1223 helpline number of PFA or its social media accounts.

     The Lahore Food Authority (LFA) has taken stern action against food business operators (FBOs) for their involvement in the supply of substandard food. The LFA has penalised 18 FBOs and served warning notices to 82 eateries. The LFA has also discarded 3,050-litre of substandard milk.

     The LFA has taken this strict action after it received complaints about the quality of food being supplied by the FBOs. The LFA has found that the food supplied by the FBOs was not up to the required standards.

     The LFA has also found that the FBOs were supplying food that was not fit for human consumption. This has led to the LFA taking stern action against the FBOs. The LFA has fined the FBOs heavily for their involvement in the supply of substandard food.

     The LFA has also warned the 82 eateries that they need to improve their food quality if they want to continue to do business with the LFA. The LFA has also advised the eateries to ensure that the food they are supplying is fit for human consumption.

     The LFA has taken this strict action against the FBOs after it found that they were supplying food that was not up to the required standards. The LFA has also found that the FBOs were supplying food that was not fit for human consumption. This has led to the LFA taking stern action against the FBOs. The LFA has fined the FBOs heavily for their involvement in the supply of substandard food. The LFA has also warned the 82 eateries that they need to improve their food quality if they want to continue to do business with the LFA. The LFA has also advised the eateries to ensure that the food they are supplying is fit for human consumption.

Continue Reading at Source : nation_pk