Redevelopment of Chesterton Site to Bring Flats, Gardens, and Car Park
Key Highlights :
The Chesterton area of Cambridge is set to undergo a redevelopment that will bring new flats, gardens, and a car park to the site. The building on High Street, which dates back to the 1970s and is part of a conservation area, is set to be demolished and replaced with the new development. This has raised concerns about the potential noise and traffic impacts, as well as the conservation of the character of the landscape.
Cambridge City Council has stated that a traffic management plan and dust management plan will be submitted prior to the demolition of the building. They have also said that any trees that are cut down during the redevelopment will be replaced as soon as possible for a period of up to 5 years.
A City Council spokesperson said: “The building, built in the 1970s was the subject of an application for demolition and redevelopment that was considered by the Planning Committee on 6 October 2021. Representations from those concerned about the development were heard and the application was approved at the meeting, subject to conditions designed to help address concerns.”
The conditions include a required a traffic management plan and dust management plan to be submitted prior to the demolition of the building and the requirement to replace any lost trees as soon as possible for a period of up to 5 years.
The redevelopment of the Chesterton site is set to bring a number of benefits to the area, including improved housing, green spaces, and a car park. It is also hoped that the development will create a more vibrant atmosphere and bring new life to the area.
The redevelopment of the Chesterton site is an exciting opportunity for the area and has the potential to bring many benefits to the local community. It is important that the development is carried out with consideration for the environment, the local community, and the character of the landscape.