Settling the Score: Fox News' Defamation Lawsuit Against Dominion and the Cost of Profits Over Truth

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. Fox News was sued by the makers of voting machines, and they settled for $787.5 million.
2. CNN reported on the lawsuit, while Fox News avoided mentioning it.
3. Fox News claimed that the voting machines were rigged, and this led to the storming of the Capitol.
4. The court case was set to be explosive, but Fox News avoided mentioning it.
5. Fox News knew what their viewers wanted to hear, and this led to profits.

     The news that Fox News had settled a defamation lawsuit brought against them by the makers of voting machines Dominion for $787.5 million came as a surprise to many. After all, Fox News had been one of the leading voices in the baseless claims of voter fraud in the 2020 US Presidential Election, and the lawsuit had been set to be explosive with hosts like Sean Hannity, CEO Lachlan Murdoch, and even chair Rupert Murdoch called to testify. But instead of being held accountable, Fox News was able to settle the lawsuit and issue a statement claiming that the settlement "reflects Fox’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards".

     The truth, however, is far more complicated. The evidence presented during the litigation process, including emails and WhatsApp messages, showed that the Fox News management and pundits didn’t actually believe that the US elections were rigged, but they continued to push the narrative anyway because ratings were more important than the truth. Fox News viewers were never told that their hosts were knowingly pushing a false narrative, and the station was able to avoid a potentially damaging court case.

     Meanwhile, Fox News' billionaire owner Rupert Murdoch was able to avoid being held accountable for the false claims made on his station, and the shares of Fox News barely dipped. This is in stark contrast to the actions of other billionaires like Elon Musk, who has been quick to label non-corporate, not-for-profit, publicly funded media organisations like the BBC and NPR as “government-funded”, casting doubt on their integrity.

     The settlement of the Fox News lawsuit is a triumph for the corporate behemoth, but it is a clear example of the cost of profits over truth. Fox News was willing to push a false narrative for the sake of ratings, and the station was able to avoid any accountability for their actions. This is a dangerous precedent, and it is up to consumers of media to be aware of the truth and to hold media outlets accountable for their actions.

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