South Africa Making Huge Strides in Genomics Research to Tackle Future Epidemics

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. Epidemics of climate change-related diseases are likely to occur frequently, and global travel will be a major factor in their spread.
2. The key to preventing these epidemics is to have a well-equipped genomics research facility like the one at the University of Stellenbosch.
3. The best way to prepare for these epidemics is to train scientists and healthcare workers in genomics.

     The Covid-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call for the world, and South Africa is no exception. In the past few years, scientists have been warning that it’s only a matter of time before more epidemics come our way. Professor Tulio de Oliveira, director of the University of Stellenbosch-based Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation, has said that if we act quickly and identify teams that collaborate all around the world, with governments and industry playing a role to protect the world for the next epidemic, we can manage these outbreaks of climate change-related epidemics.

     In order to keep up with the changing times and be prepared for the future, South Africa has been making huge strides in the field of genomics. A state-of-the-art research technology centre is located at the University of Stellenbosch’s Biochemical Research Institute and last week scientists, researchers and global healthcare leaders from 25 countries were invited to the centre in a bid to offer training and fellowships to those in the field of genomics.

     The technology at the centre has made it possible to sequence and analyse a genome in a day or two, which used to take years to complete. This has allowed scientists, doctors and healthcare workers to gain more knowledge in dealing with a pandemic. It has also enabled them to identify the causes of epidemics and develop strategies to tackle them.

     The Covid-19 pandemic has also highlighted the importance of collaboration between governments, scientists, doctors, healthcare workers and industry. This has been crucial in the fight against the virus and will be just as important in the fight against future epidemics.

     South Africa has certainly come a long way in the field of genomics and is now well-equipped to tackle any future epidemics that may arise. With the help of the technology at the research technology centre, scientists can quickly identify the cause of epidemics and take the necessary steps to prevent them from becoming pandemics. This will help protect not just South Africa, but the world as a whole.

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