Syrian government forces launched a barrage of missiles early Saturday morning at Israeli territory, in what appears to be the first time

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. Israeli military retaliates for rocket fire from Syria with artillery strikes on area from which rockets were fired at Israel.
2. Tensions in Jerusalem have been high after an Israeli police raid on the city's most sensitive holy site.
3. Israeli security forces fatally shot a Palestinian in the town of Azzun.
4. Palestinian attacks on Israelis have killed 19 people in that time, all but one of them civilians.

     On Wednesday morning, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responded to a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel by striking targets in the Gaza Strip with artillery. The IDF said that it is "responding vigorously" to the rockets, and that it will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli civilians.

     The IDF's retaliatory artillery strikes come after weeks of escalating tensions between Israel and the Gaza Strip. On July 8, the IDF responded to a Hamas rocket attack on a civilian community in Sderot with a series of airstrikes that killed two men. The following day, the IDF killed three Hamas militants who had infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip.

     Since then, there have been a series of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, as well as Israeli airstrikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. On Tuesday, July 24, the IDF responded to a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip by striking a Hamas training site in the northern Gaza Strip. On Wednesday, July 25, the IDF responded to a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip by striking targets in the Gaza Strip.

     The IDF's retaliatory artillery strikes come after weeks of escalating tensions between Israel and the Gaza Strip. On July 8, the IDF responded to a Hamas rocket attack on a civilian community in Sderot with a series of airstrikes that killed two men. The following day, the IDF killed three Hamas militants who had infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip.

     Since then, there have been a series of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, as well as Israeli airstrikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. On Tuesday, July 24, the IDF responded to a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip by striking a Hamas training site in the northern Gaza Strip. On Wednesday, July 25, the IDF responded to a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip by striking targets in the Gaza Strip.

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