The brand new liquid biopsy platform will be presented at the AACR Annual Meeting in 2023

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Key Highlights :

1. GC Genome Corporation will present data showcasing the deep learning algorithm that detects and classifies multi-cancer using methylation information and genomic data at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2023.
2. The algorithm has the potential use in early cancer detection.
3. GC Genome is a leading diagnostics company that aims to connect the care and cure to the world by offering genetic diagnosis services for Oncology, Pre&Neonatal, Rare Diseases, and Health Check-ups.

     GC Genome Corporation today announced that the company will present data showcasing the deep learning algorithm that detects and classifies multi-cancer using methylation information and genomic data at the 23rd World Congress on Genomics in Paris, France on April 25-27, 2019. The deep learning algorithm was developed in collaboration with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). The data will be used to demonstrate the potential of methylation-based cancer detection and classification.

     "This deep learning algorithm is a significant development in the field of cancer detection and classification," said Dr. Hae-Sung Kim, CEO of GC Genome Corporation. "We are excited to present our data at the World Congress and show the potential of methylation-based cancer detection and classification. We look forward to continuing our collaborations with KAIST to develop further innovative cancer detection and classification tools."

     The deep learning algorithm is based on a deep learning neural network and uses methylation information and genomic data to detect and classify multi-cancer. The data was collected from a cohort of patients with multi-cancer. The deep learning algorithm was able to detect and classify multi-cancer with a high accuracy rate. The deep learning algorithm is expected to improve the accuracy of cancer detection and classification and help to reduce the burden of cancer on patients.

     "The GC Genome Corporation's deep learning algorithm is a significant development in the field of cancer detection and classification," said Dr. Hae-Sung Kim, CEO of GC Genome Corporation. "We are excited to present our data at the World Congress and show the potential of methylation-based cancer detection and classification. We look forward to continuing our collaborations with KAIST to develop further innovative cancer detection and classification tools."

     For more information, please visit:

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