The Brighton road near the A259 will be made safer with a funding boost.

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. The government has announced a 50% funding uplift for road safety improvements on one road in Brighton and Hove.
2. The road is the A2010 between the A259 and the A270 in Brighton and Hove.
3. The funding is part of a £47.5 million national investment which the government says will prevent more than 750 fatal and serious injuries over the next 20 years.

     A huge funding boost to make dangerous roads safer has been announced by the government. The money, which is set to be invested in the next two years, will be used to improve the safety of roads across the UK. The aim is to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on the roads, which is something that everyone should be concerned about.

     The money will be used to improve the safety of roads across the UK

     The money will be used to improve the safety of roads across the UK, which means that more people will be able to travel around the country without fear of getting hurt. This is great news, not just for the people who will be able to use the roads more safely, but also for the economy as a whole. The fact that people are able to travel more easily means that businesses will be able to grow and create more jobs.

     The government is doing everything it can to make the roads safer

     This is not the first time that the government has announced plans to make the roads safer. In fact, the government has been working hard to make the roads safer for a long time now. They have invested a lot of money in the road safety programme, and this has paid off. The number of deaths and serious injuries on the roads has been reduced, which is a testament to the work that the government has done.

     The government is not done yet

     The government is not done yet. They still have a lot of work to do, and they are not afraid to invest more money in order to make the roads even safer. This is why it is important to stay safe on the roads, and to know that the government is on your side.

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