The Cambridge Cinema could be demolished and a public lavatory could be transformed into a cinema.

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. The former cinema in Hobson Street is earmarked for demolition and redevelopment into a mixed-use building.
2. The proposals include the demolition of the existing buildings, including the former cinema and bingo hall.
3. The site would then be redeveloped with a "modern, mixed-use building".
4. The plans aim to "reactivate" Hobson's Passage, which currently sees "frequent use as a public lavatory".
5. The owners said that the area also has vermin and "regular antisocial behaviour".
6. The proposals aim to change the passage into an "accessible, attractive and safe route into the heart of Cambridge".
7. Existing retail units on Sidney Street currently occupied by Itsu and Urban Outfitters would also be replaced.
8. The roof would include a new structure to add "a new and interesting contribution to Cambridge's skyline".

     Hobson's Passage which connects Sidney Street and Hobson Street was described on the building proposal website as seeing "frequent use as a public lavatory". This is a great description of the passage as it is currently used and it is easy to see how it could be improved to make it even more useful.

     Currently, Hobson's Passage is a narrow and steep street which is difficult to walk down, especially if you are carrying a heavy load. This is a problem because it is often used as a public lavatory. The passage is also very dirty and congested, which makes it difficult to use.

     If Hobson's Passage were widened and made more accessible, it would be much more popular as a public lavatory. This would make it easier for people to use the passage, and it would also make it more clean and tidy.

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