The Conservatives are accused of handing 4,000 rapists ‘shockingly short’ prison sentences.

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Key Highlights :

1. Labour has released analysis showing that 3,876 adult rapists have received a prison sentence of less than seven years since 2010.2. The Conservatives have vowed to crack down on rapists by giving criminals convicted of the offence a minimum sentence of seven years behind bars.3. Labour published analysis showing that 10 rapists have dodged jail every year since the Conservatives came to power in 2010.4. Labour has pledged to make Britain’s streets safe by halving the level of violence against women and girls within a decade. If it wins the general election, expected in the autumn of next year, Labour has also pledged to:
-make England and Wales now face the longest trial delays on record with over 62,000 outstanding cases in the third quarter of 2022, with lawyers warning that the record courts backlog means many criminals are being given more lenient sentences.
-try to double the number of rape cases that reach court.

     As the world marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, it is important to remember that violence against women is not a new problem. In fact, it is a problem that has been around for centuries. Unfortunately, the problem has not gone away; in fact, it has gotten worse.

     One of the ways that the problem has gotten worse is because of the way that rape is treated in the courts. As of now, there is a six-year minimum sentence for rape. This means that a rapist can get off with a slap on the wrist. Seven years is a much tougher sentence, and it is something that we should be looking to implement.

     There are a number of reasons why seven years is a better sentence than six years. For one, it would send a message to rapists that violence against women will not be tolerated. It would also give the victim the opportunity to get justice, and it would give the rapist a chance to learn from his mistakes.

     We should be doing everything that we can to crack down on rapists. Seven years is a tough sentence, but it is something that we should be looking to implement.

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