The liver is a vital organ that helps to process food and remove toxins from the body. If your liver is damaged,

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Key Highlights :

1. The liver carries many functions in the body, some of which are:
-Energy source
-Bile formation
-Fat-soluble vitamin absorption
-Storage of glucose
-Synthesis of albumin
-Blood clotting factors
2. Factors that affect the liver include:
-Hepatitis virus
-Metabolic syndrome
-Drugs and toxins
-Inherited disorders and genetic causes
-Common liver conditions you come across in your OPD are:
-Fatty liver
-Liver abscess
-Pedal edema
3. Treatment for liver diseases includes:
-Surgical intervention
-Treatment with drugs or toxins
-Liver specialist consultation

     Dr. Prasad Neelam is a highly experienced surgical gastroenterologist with over 25 years of experience in the field. He has been a consultant surgical gastroenterologist at Sravani Hospitals, Madhapur, Hyderabad since 2007. He has vast experience in the field of hepatopancreatico biliary and liver transplant surgery. He has conducted over 1,000 liver transplants and has been credited with the successful treatment of many patients with liver cirrhosis.

     Dr. Prasad Neelam is also a highly skilled surgeon and has been involved in a wide range of surgical procedures, including gastroenterological, hepatopancreatico biliary and liver transplant surgery. He is a member of various professional organizations, including the Indian Society of Gastroenterology, the Indian Association of Gastroenterology, and the Indian Society of Hepatology. He is also a member of the Indian Medical Association.

     If you are looking for a highly experienced and skilled surgeon who is well-known for his expertise in the field of hepatopancreatico biliary and liver transplant surgery, Dr. Prasad Neelam is the perfect candidate for you. He is a highly respected member of the medical community and is known for his dedication to his patients and his commitment to quality care. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Prasad Neelam, please contact Sravani Hospitals, Madhapur, Hyderabad.

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