The spacecraft carrying Israeli tech launched towards Jupiter and its moons on Sunday morning. NASA's Juice Mission

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Key Highlights :

1. A European spacecraft called Juice is set to journey to Jupiter and its three icy moons - Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede.
2. The spacecraft is designed to explore these moons in depth, looking for signs of past or present life.
3. If signs of life are found, further investigation into drilling into the icy moons' crusts will be carried out.

NASA's New Frontiers Program has set its sights on the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, and its four biggest moons. The robotic explorer, aptly named Juice (short for JUpiter ICy moons Explorer), will embark on an eight-year journey to reach its destination. Once there, Juice will study Jupiter's atmosphere, magnetic field, and the three intriguing moons, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede.

The mission is part of NASA's effort to support long-term exploration of our solar system, and the information gathered by Juice will help scientists better understand how the gas giant and its moons formed and evolved. Jupiter is known for its immense size and interesting features, and studying it can reveal a lot about our solar system's early history.

The moons that Juice will be studying are no less fascinating. Europa, one of the four Galilean moons, is considered a prime candidate for finding extraterrestrial life due to its subsurface ocean of liquid water. The possibility of finding life outside of Earth has always been an exciting prospect, and the study of Europa will bring us one step closer to answering that age-old question.

Callisto, one of the largest moons in the solar system, is another destination for Juice. Its icy surface and dryness make it an excellent location to study the origins of water on Earth. Studying Callisto could give scientists insights into how water was formed and transported in the early solar system.

Finally, Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system, is also on Juice's itinerary. With a thick layer of ice on its surface, Ganymede is an excellent place to study the origins of water on Earth. It also has some of the most interesting features in the solar system, making it a fascinating destination for scientists to explore.

The Juice mission will use advanced technology to gather information about Jupiter and its moons. The spacecraft will have a radio telescope that will allow it to study the planet and its moons in detail. It is designed to last for eight years, giving scientists ample time to gather data and learn as much as possible about this fascinating corner of our solar system.

In summary, NASA's Juice mission is an exciting endeavor that will enable scientists to learn more about Jupiter, its atmosphere, and its moons. The study of Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede will provide valuable insights into the formation and evolution of our solar system. With the mission set to last for eight years, we can expect a wealth of information to be gathered, paving the way for further exploration of our solar system and beyond.

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