The umpire will leave the tournament after policy pricing row.

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Key Highlights :

1. The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) was established by the Andrews government in 2017 to provide advice to MPs on financial, fiscal or economic matters.
2. Anthony Close has been informed by the Labor-majority Public Accounts and Estimates Committee that his contract as parliamentary budget officer won't be renewed.
3. The PBO also made headlines before last year's state election after costing construction for the first two stages Labor's Suburban Rail Loop at $125 billion, more than twice the government's initial $50b estimate for the entire project.
4. Shadow special minister of state David Davis said the "sacking" showed the government would go to any length to silence its critics.

     The Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) is an important part of the parliamentary system in Canada. The PBO is responsible for providing independent analysis of the government's fiscal plans and performance. This is important because it allows parliament to hold the government accountable for its spending and its policies.

     Unfortunately, the PBO's future is in doubt. The Conservative government has announced that it will not be renewing the PBO's contract. This decision is a serious mistake.

     The PBO is an important part of parliament. His analysis allows parliament to hold the government accountable for its spending and its policies. Without the PBO, parliament will not be able to make informed decisions about the government's fiscal plans.

     The Conservative government should reconsider its decision not to renew the PBO's contract. Parliament needs him to be able to provide independent analysis of the government's fiscal plans and performance.

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