What Does the 'WD' in WD-40 Stand For? Uncovering the Mystery Behind the Popular Spray

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. WD-40 is a water displacement spray.
2. It was created in 1958.
3. It is used to force water out of tough areas.

     WD-40 is a popular spray that is used to loosen hinges around the house and has been around since 1958. Recently, a Twitter user asked what the “WD” in the name of the product stands for, sparking a number of responses from users. While some of the guesses were close, many were amusing and completely off the mark. The truth is, the “WD” in WD-40 stands for “water displacement”.

     It took 40 attempts for chemists to perfect the multi-use product, hence the number 40 in its name. WD-40 was first used to protect the outer skin of missiles from rust and corrosion and hit store shelves for the first time in San Diego in 1958. It is used to force out, or displace, water from tough areas.

     The Twitter user’s post created a lot of buzz, with people left gobsmacked after discovering the meaning behind the “WD” in WD-40. While some people guessed correctly, other responses were equally bizarre and amusing. Some of the guesses included “Work Dammit”, “Water Dispersion”, “Wet and Drippy” and “Will Do”.

     Many users were surprised to learn the meaning behind the “WD” in WD-40, with one user commenting, “I was today years old and never knew this.” Another user thanked the Twitter user for helping them to learn something new, writing, “I had NO idea, so I looked. Thanks for helping me to learn something today.”

     WD-40 has been a staple in many households for decades, and it’s always nice to learn something new about a product that we use every day. So the next time you reach for the WD-40 to loosen a stubborn hinge, you can do so with the knowledge that the “WD” stands for “water displacement”.

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