Global innovation centers (GICs) have become an increasingly important part of multinational corporations (MNCs) in recent years, as companies seek t
Key Highlights :

Get The Basics In Place
The first step in creating a successful hybrid work environment is to get the basics in place. Leaders should consider how much face-to-face interaction is needed and desired, what type of interactions the company culture requires, and how much flexibility is needed and desired by the employee profile. Additionally, the right infrastructure should be implemented, including clear guidelines on which software is used for what.
Leverage Technology
The second step is to fully leverage technology. Companies should reduce the number of platforms they use and clearly define what each platform is used for. For example, email can be used for more in-depth content, while Slack can be used for quick questions and coordinating meetings. Additionally, teams should be given access to cutting-edge technologies to get their creative juices flowing and enable them to work most efficiently.
Communication Is Key
The third step is to ensure maximum clarity in communication. Text updates are often not enough, and companies should look for more efficient ways to do live updates at regular intervals. Additionally, when speaking on Zoom, leaders should ask people to keep their cameras on whenever possible to create a connection.
When You’re Offline
When employees are in the office, leaders should make the most of personal interaction time. This is a great opportunity to interact with employees face-to-face, build rapport, and gauge morale. Additionally, companies should organize away days or retreats, and make sure employees spend time together in person regularly. This will help keep morale up and maintain a positive culture.
When You’re Online
Since many people are working remotely now, companies should take advantage of this shift by creating new cross-border collaborations. Get people from different teams together and let them exchange their experiences, challenges, and successes. Additionally, mentoring across levels should be encouraged, as well as cross-functional collaboration to accelerate innovation.
Offer Development Opportunities
Finally, companies should offer their employees access to coaches and counselors, provide mediators to help resolve conflicts, and offer leaders memberships to critical networking and mastermind groups for their industry. Offering development opportunities is a big part of the EVP for most employees, and companies should leverage this to attract and retain talent.
In conclusion, global companies can leverage their hybrid work environment by getting the basics in place, leveraging technology, ensuring clear communication, and offering development opportunities. By learning from the practices of GICs, companies can create an EVP that is hard to resist and attract the most sought-after talent to their teams.