Shinhan Bank to Participate in 56th Annual Meeting of Asian Development Bank

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. Shinhan Bank is sponsoring the 56th annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank.
2. The bank will be playing various roles throughout the meeting.
3. The meeting is the ADB's biggest event and decisions on its administration, finance and operating direction are made.

     Shinhan Bank announced on Monday that it will be participating in the 56th annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which will take place from May 2 to 5 in Incheon Metropolitan City. The bank will serve as a sponsor and play various roles throughout the meeting.

     ADB is an international organization founded in 1966 to promote economic growth and cooperation in Asia, which was one of the poorest regions in the world at that time. The annual meeting is the organization's biggest event, where decisions on its administration, finance, and operating direction are made.

     According to its agreement with the finance ministry in April, Shinhan Bank is sponsoring the event in several ways, such as creating common areas for networking and providing lunch for participants. It will also run an exhibition hall that focuses on digital transformation alongside other affiliates from Shinhan Financial Group. This will display a range of the group's digital services, including its metaverse platform Shinamon.

     To showcase Korea's high-quality finance, the bank has pledged to engage in communication with various institutions from other countries on a range of topics. To that end, the bank's CEO, Jung Sang-hyuk, will actively participate in the opening ceremony, official banquets, and CEO meetings of international financial firms to enhance the company's global competitiveness.

     "As this is the first in-person annual meeting of the ADB since COVID-19 began, Shinhan Bank is committed to making every effort to ensure the success of the meeting as a sponsor bank," said an official from the bank.

     The bank's participation in the ADB annual meeting is a great opportunity to demonstrate Korea's advanced financial technology and services. It will also be an opportunity to strengthen the bank's global presence and network with other international financial institutions.

     Shinhan Bank is dedicated to making the ADB annual meeting a success, and will continue to strive to be a leader in the global financial industry.

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