Solar Power: A Bright Future for South African Youth

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. The emperor has a plan to recruit 6,000 young people to become solar panel installers.
2. The program has been endorsed by the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association.
3. This will provide badly needed technical skills and training for young people in South Africa.

     The solar panel programme proposed by Gauteng emperor Panyaza Lesufi is a welcome initiative for young South Africans. The plan will involve 6,000 students embarking on a year-long course, overseen by the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Service Sector and Trainer Authority, and will result in a National Qualifications Framework Level 5 certificate. This programme could provide badly needed skills and offer jobs for young South Africans, while also helping to reduce reliance on South Africa's wonky electricity grid.

     The South African Photovoltaic Industry Association has endorsed the programme, and it is easy to see why. Solar power is one of the sectors of the economy that is booming, and training future installers ensures that the necessary technical skills will be available to meet the increasing demand. This programme provides a great opportunity for young people to gain the technical skills they need to succeed in the job market, and similar training initiatives in places like the US have proved to be highly successful in providing jobs for young people who may not want to go to college.

     South Africa needs more programmes of this kind, as the country needs tradespeople and technicians far more than it needs lawyers and arts graduates. This solar panel programme could be a great step in the right direction, as it provides a practical way for young people to gain valuable skills and experience, while also helping to reduce reliance on the electricity grid. The programme has the potential to be a great success, and could be a great way to give young people the opportunity to make something of themselves.

     In conclusion, the solar panel programme proposed by Gauteng emperor Panyaza Lesufi could provide badly needed skills and offer jobs for young South Africans. It is a great way to help reduce reliance on the electricity grid, while also providing an opportunity for young people to gain valuable skills and experience. We hope that this programme will be a great success, and that it will help to give young people the chance to make something of themselves.

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