Unveiling the Power of Neutrons: How Scientists are Using Neutrons to Improve Our Understanding of Everyday Materials

Key Highlights :

1. Neutrons can be used to probe materials and biological systems.
2. They interact with materials in different ways to the photons in high-energy X-ray beams, and therefore provide different types of information about their targets.
3. The ESS is expected to come online in 2027 and will be the most powerful and versatile neutron source for science in the world.
4. Scientists are working on an upgrade to the facility that will allow them to explore different aspects of the dynamics and structure of materials.

     Neutrons, the tiny particles found in the nucleus of every atom but hydrogen, are being used to shed light on a range of topics from the climate crisis and energy, to health and quantum computing. Scientists are now leveraging the power of neutrons to improve our understanding of everyday materials and tackle fundamental questions in physics.

     The European Spallation Source (ESS), currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, is expected to come online in 2027 and could become the most powerful and versatile neutron source for science in the world. The facility will use a process called spallation, in which high-energy particles destabilize an atom's nucleus, releasing some of the neutrons found there. These newly freed neutrons can be used like X-rays to map the inner structure of materials.

     Once the ESS is up and running, scientists from across Europe and the rest of the world will be able to use its 15 different beamlines to conduct fundamental research. Neutron beams can be used to probe materials and biological systems, and provide different types of information than X-rays. For example, neutron beams can say something about the interior dynamics of lithium-ion batteries, reveal obscured details from ancient artifacts, or clarify the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. They can also be used to explore fundamental physics.

     The ESS is also being used to benefit society at large. As part of the BrightnESS-2 project, technologies developed for the ESS were shared with industry in Europe. For instance, some of the power systems developed for the ESS beamlines could be useful for renewable energy technologies, like wind turbines. The facility can also be used to test the durability of critical electrical components, such as those used in airplanes, wind turbines and spacecraft.

     The ESS is also teaming up with other research institutes and companies to explore possible future uses of the facility. For example, the HighNESS project is developing a second moderator system, which will slow down the neutrons generated during the spallation process, to an energy level that the scientific instruments can use. This will allow scientists to explore different aspects of the dynamics and structure of materials such as polymers, biomolecules, liquid metals and batteries.

     In summary, scientists are using the power of neutrons to improve our understanding of everyday materials and tackle fundamental questions in physics. The European Spallation Source is expected to become the most powerful and versatile neutron source for science in the world, and its unprecedented flux and spectral range will open up a world of possibilities for scientists. The facility is also being used to benefit society at large, and research institutes and companies are exploring potential future uses for the facility.

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