When Kissing Beats Smoking: How I Quit Cigarettes for Cuddles

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. Snapdragon is addicted to cuddling and kisses, and has suffered withdrawal symptoms since her broken neck operation;
2. She stopped smoking immediately after buying a box of vapes, and has not touched a cigarette since;
3. She had a dream in which her husband stopped smoking and she could smell him without smelling like cigarettes.

     I’m a hopeless addict when it comes to cuddles and kisses. So when my beloved Snapdragon had to have a major operation earlier this year, I was devastated. I couldn’t hug or kiss her for weeks. But, as her condition improved, she revealed the real reason for the lack of cuddles – the smell of cigarette smoke on me.

     I was a smoker and, as much as I enjoyed it, I had to choose between smoking and kissing. It was an easy choice. I bought a box of vaping supplies and threw out my last half-packet of cigarettes.

     It was a hard road. I was constantly craving a smoke and I was cranky and irritable. But the thought of kissing Snapdragon without the smell of cigarettes was enough to make me stick to it.

     And then one morning, I woke up to find her snuggled up against me. I could smell her hair – sweet and fresh – and I held her tight until I had to get up and make breakfast for my son.

     Later that morning, we were sitting outside with our vapes and coffee when I told her about my dream. She told me about hers – we were spooning and I didn’t smell of cigarettes at all.

     That was the moment I knew I could do it. I could quit smoking for good. I threw out the last of my cigarettes and I haven’t looked back since.

     Now, whenever I get a craving for a cigarette, I just think of the smell of Snapdragon’s hair and it’s enough to make me put down the vape. I’ve never been happier and I’m grateful every day that I chose kissing over smoking.

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