As a wise man once said: "Not great, Bob." 19 Poor, Unfortunate Souls Who Just Had A Week So Bad It Will Keep Them Lying Awake In Bed 30 Years From N
Key Highlights :

We've all had weeks that were so bad that we can't help but look back on them and cringe. But for some people, the weeks they had were so bad that it will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Here are 19 poor, unfortunate souls who just had a week so bad it will keep them lying awake in bed 30 years from now.
1. The person whose phone went for the ride of a lifetime: u/schelie / Via
2. The person whose grandma added a little extra spice to their device: u/ionnatrailer / Via
3. The person who whose thirst was their ultimate undoing: u/dim-pap / Via
4. The person who learned just how much litter a garbage bag can hold: u/natureslocite / Via
5. The person whose backpack belongs to the bees now: u/lau-g / Via
6. The person who will be moving out ASAP: u/pidgeonsarehumanstoo / Via
7. The person who had their worst nightmare happen:
8. The person who got the most beautiful view in the world: u/weully / Via
9. The person whose bathroom turned in Mount Toilet-toa: u/epiclariat / Via
10. The person who will know nothing but sadness upon opening that door: u/lemonlawsforpeople / Via
11. Ol' Lefty: u/kjs106 / Via
12. The person who was kind enough to share their pasta with a friend: u/leagly0 / Via
13. The person who discovered a brand new, delicious type of chocolate:
14. The person who will be trapped by a minivan for all eternity: u/aggregate_kidneys / Via
15. The person whose $20 bill is laughing in their face: u/melody74 / Via
16. The person whose mouse is the cleanest mouse around: u/mautors / Via
17. The person whose tailor made them a fine pair of capris for their wedding: u/bakingeyedoc / Via
18. The person who is in a situation straight out of a sitcom: u/almeldin / Via
19. The person who got the world's saddest sausage and peppers: u/mikgusta / Via
It's safe to say that these 19 people have had a week so bad that they will never forget it. We can all feel a little bit of sympathy for them, and we hope that their next week will be much better. Let's all make sure to remember this wise man's words: "Not great, Bob."