Exploring Scotland's Culinary Talent with The Herald Scotland

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. The writer has a longstanding love of food and drink, and has developed a weekend ritual of reading restaurant reviews in The Herald Scotland.
2. The writer is joining the team at The Herald Scotland to take on the role of Food & Drink writer.
3. The writer plans to write about all aspects of food and drink, including the passion of people who keep the industry ticking at every level.

     When I first moved to Glasgow almost a decade ago, it took no time at all to develop a weekend ritual that centred on pulling up The Herald Scotland website to find out which restaurant had been reviewed that week. I had spent the past 17 years living in the Western Isles, enjoying the privilege of growing up in a community that knew how to appreciate the gift of local produce from freshly caught seafood to robust machair potatoes without much fanfare. But, suddenly, thanks to the cool confidence and razor-sharp observations of The Herald writer’s reviews, the world of Food & Drink had expanded into new cultures, flavours, textures, and techniques that would truly kick-start a love affair with the industry and all of the joy that it creates.

     This week I am immensely proud to have joined the incredible team at The Herald Scotland to take on the role of Food & Drink writer in a move that can only be described as the best possible way to have come full circle from first subscribing to the paper. Having spent the past two years telling the tales of home bakers, street food vendors and Michelin-starred chefs at our sister title, the Glasgow Times, the opportunity to continue this work on a national scale is a challenge that I am more than ready to accept.

     Food & Drink coverage is not just about what’s on your plate, but more the passion of people who keep the industry ticking at every level of the chain whether it's hard-working local suppliers, skilled chefs or hospitality workers. The Herald is committed to bringing these stories into the spotlight with quality content that highlights all there is to celebrate about Scotland’s unrivalled culinary talent and natural larder. While there’s plenty of fun to be had, we won’t shy away from reporting on the crippling effects that the cost of living crisis is having on the industry as a whole and will actively do our part in giving a voice to those who are experiencing the fallout first-hand.

     Elsewhere, expect an insight into the latest food trends, exclusive first looks, in-depth profiles, honest reviews and so much more as we strive to become your first stop for all the latest updates. Of course, the real joy in covering Food & Drink lies in the conversation it sparks and in my new role I look forward to hearing from The Herald readers about their favourite local hangouts, hidden gems and new discoveries across the country.

     If you want to share your recommendations then please don’t hesitate to get in touch by sending me an email at [email protected]. I look forward to playing a part in what’s an exciting new chapter for the Herald’s Food & Drink coverage and plan to waste no time in stepping up to the plate.

     As I embark on this new journey, I am reminded of my first few weeks in Glasgow when I stumbled upon The Herald Scotland website and discovered a world of culinary exploration that I never knew existed. I am excited to be part of a team that is passionate about uncovering the stories of Scotland’s vibrant food culture and I look forward to bringing you all the latest news from the industry.

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