# The Former Bay Horse Pub in Fulford Set to Become a Café

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Key Highlights :

1. The Bay Horse pub in Fulford, York, closed in January 2019.
2. The pub's former landlady, Donna Emmett, told The Press in September last year that the building had been sold to a developer, but now a new landlord says that there are plans afoot to open a café in the building.
3. The landlord, who didn't want to be named, said it wasn't viable to keep the building as a working pub.
4. Ms Emmett, who gave up the tenancy of the pub last September, said that falling custom was probably due to the soaring cost of living.

     The Bay Horse pub in Main Street, Fulford, has been a staple of the local community for many years. Unfortunately, it closed its doors for good earlier this year, leaving many regulars and locals feeling the loss of a beloved local pub. However, there is now good news for Fulford residents as the building is set to become a café, bringing a new sense of life to the area.

     The former landlord of the Bay Horse, Donna Emmett, ran the business from 2019 until September 2020. She told The Press that the building had been sold to a developer, leading to the closure of the pub. Now, a new landlord has revealed plans to turn the building into a café. The landlord, who wished to remain anonymous, said that it was no longer viable to keep the building as a pub.

     He said: “Having spoken to the locals we established they want it to stay as a community use, with that in mind we found a café operator who would like to trade this former pub as a café still serving the locals as a location to drink, but it will be coffee rather then alcohol.”

     The landlord also revealed plans to refurbish the two upper floors of the building and either rent or sell them for private use, rather than the existing short term lets. A planning application is set to be submitted shortly for the change of use, and the landlord hopes to have the café up and running by Christmas 2024.

     The closure of the pub was a great loss to the local community, with many regulars feeling the impact of its absence. Ms Emmett said that the pub had become too costly to run, with her bills rising and custom falling. One regular of 20 years said he feared it had shut for good, and that its closure was a great loss to the community.

     The transformation of the Bay Horse from a pub to a café will bring a new sense of life to the area, and hopefully the café will become a much-loved addition to the local community. The landlord’s plans to refurbish the building and rent or sell the upper floors for private use will also help to revitalise the area and bring it back into use.

Continue Reading at Source : yorkpress