Save Money and Reduce Pollution with these Fuel-Saving Driving Tips

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. Fuel prices are high, but are slowly dropping back down to where they were before last year's rocketing prices.
2. Driving gently and smoothly can help avoid unnecessary braking and save fuel.
3. Drivers should decelerate smoothly by releasing the accelerator in time and leaving the car in gear.
4. Driving at the speed limits is safest and uses the least amount of fuel.
5. Drivers should reduce the weight and size of their car to save fuel.
6. Drivers should only use their air-conditioning when it is necessary.
7. Driving slowly can save fuel even when driving at a faster speed.

     With the cost of fuel remaining expensive, many drivers are looking for ways to save money on their vehicle running costs. Although prices have dropped and are close to returning to where they were before rocketing last year, they still remain high in terms of historic levels. Fortunately, there are a few simple driving techniques that drivers can adopt to help reduce fuel consumption and save money at the pump.

     The AA has advised on some easy fuel-saving tips that can help drivers cut down on their fuel costs. Accelerating gently and reading the road ahead can help avoid unnecessary braking. Drivers should also decelerate smoothly by releasing the accelerator in time and leaving the car in gear. Stopping and then starting again can increase fuel consumption, so drivers should look ahead to reduce their need for braking. Slowing early for traffic lights or when approaching queues means drivers might not have to stop completely.

     At low speeds, air-con increases fuel consumption, but the effect is less noticeable at higher speeds. When driving slower, open the windows, and save the air-con for high-speed or motorway driving. It’s important not to leave it on all the time, but running it at least once a week helps keep the system in good condition. Running electrics can be a waste of fuel. Turn off the rear window heater, demister fan and headlights when you don't need them. If your car is a newer model ensure these automatic features are switched off.

     Driving too fast is dangerous, illegal, and increases fuel consumption. Drivers will see a huge difference in how long their fuel lasts when they slow down. People driving at 70mph use up to 9% more than at 60mph and up to 15% more than at 50mph. Extra weight in your car, including roof racks and boxes, can add to your fuel consumption. So pack carefully and take out anything from your vehicle that you don’t need.

     Nick Powell, AA Patrol of the Year, said: “Many people are finding the cost of living crisis difficult and fuel costs are hitting hard on the family budget. However, people can reduce the financial impact of fuelling up by 10% per week if they adopt these simple eco-driving techniques. These tips have been tested and proven by 50 AA staff a few years ago during an eco-driving trial. Participants saved an average of 10% on their weekly fuel bills when following the advice above compared to when driving normally. The best saved an impressive 33%. Not only will driving economically save you money, but you'll also reduce your environmental impact by burning less fuel and producing fewer emissions.”

     By following these fuel-saving driving tips, drivers can save money and reduce their environmental impact. Accelerating and decelerating gently, keeping the car rolling instead of braking, using the air-con only when necessary, turning off the electrics when not in use, sticking to the speed limit, and reducing the load and weight in the car can all help to reduce fuel consumption and save money at the pump.

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