Bolton Couple Celebrate Diamond Wedding Anniversary and Share Secrets to a Long and Happy Marriage

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Key Highlights :

1. The Maguires met during a trip to the Isle of Man and got engaged shortly after.
2. They married on July 10, 1963, at Harwood Parish Church.
3. They have four children together and six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
4. Throughout their family's life, Christine has been a constant support to her husband and has always given him sound advice.
5. David is also a hard-working and selfless man, who has always provided for his family.

     David and Christine Maguire, from Tonge Fold, Bolton, have celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary and shared the secret to their long and happy marriage. The couple, who first met in 1961, have four children, six grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.

     The couple first met in 1961 during a trip to the Isle of Man through groups of friends. David's friends suggested he let a coin toss decide whether he should ask Christine out, and the rest is history. David said: “I think I chose right. I would not swap her for anything. Over the years with the family, we have always done everything together. Since I met her, I have not wanted anyone else.”

     By 1962 they were engaged, and married on July 10, 1963, at Harwood Parish Church. When asked what their secret was, Christine and David both said it was about "a bit of give and take". Christine said: “You have to give and take with one another. He is very caring - and doesn’t mind me spending money on clothes. He has always been a hard worker and provided for his family.” David added: “I have learned to listen to my wife and to what she says because she has some good advice. I wouldn’t change her, and I don’t think I could manage without her. She always looks after us.”

     The couple celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary with their loved ones with a restaurant meal, as well as receiving lots of flowers and cards, including a telegram from King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla.

     The couple's daughter, Lisa Duckers, said that throughout her family’s life, her dad was always very selfless, hard-working, and always providing for them. She said that her mum always gave her "strength and commitment to looking after the family". Lisa said: “I want to thank both of them for their continuous love throughout the years and making us, the people family we are today. I am so proud of them and for what they have achieved and it’s lovely they have reached 60 years. We are a really close-knit family. They have given so much love to us as a family over the years and made so many sacrifices for us all.”

     So, what is the secret to a long and happy marriage? According to David and Christine, it's all about "a bit of give and take". It's about being selfless, hard-working, and always providing for your family. It's also about listening to your partner and respecting their opinions. Most importantly, it's about showing love and making sacrifices for your family.

     As David and Christine celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary, they serve as an example of what a long and happy marriage looks like. They are a reminder that with a bit of give and take, commitment, and love, a long and happy marriage is possible.

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