It's no secret that fruit is a vital part of a healthy diet, and it appears that some countries take this more seriously than others. Our World in Da
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Caribbean island Dominica tops the list, with the average person consuming 387.18kg of fruit a year. That's the equivalent to approximately 1,500 apples or 2,500 bananas. In comparison, people in the UK get through 86.4kg of fruit a year, putting us 65th in the international league table. The US ranks 51st, with the average American eating 93.8kg of fruit per year.
A fascinating interactive map published by Our World in Data reveals the rates of fruit consumption globally. Greece (142kg), Portugal (130.5kg) and Italy (129.9kg) eat the most fruit in Europe, while Zambia (4.6kg), Chad (7.1kg) and Togo (7.4kg) eat the least.
Researchers also split the data into different types of fruit. In the UK, the average person eats 20.3kg of oranges, 17.1kg of apples and 13.8kg of bananas per year. In comparison, people in the US consume 25.8kg of oranges, 15.5kg of apples and 11.2kg of bananas.
The data from Our World in Data shows that Dominica is home to the world's biggest fruit eaters, and it's clear that the Caribbean island takes its fruit consumption seriously. With the average person consuming 387.18kg of fruit a year, it's no wonder that Dominica tops the list.
For those interested in seeing the full list of countries that eat the most fruit each year, the interactive map from Our World in Data provides a comprehensive overview. It's clear that some countries take their fruit consumption more seriously than others, and it's no surprise that Dominica is the world's biggest fruit lover.