Overcoming the Odds: How Brodie, Aged One, Is Thriving Despite a Rare Leg Deformity
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When Brodie Arbon-Davis was born, his parents noticed something was wrong. His legs were swollen and purple, and scans revealed he had a PIK3CA mutation, a malformation in the blood vessels that affected the lower half of his body. Doctors told his mum, Holly-Louise Mackie, that he would never walk unaided or wear shoes. But despite the odds, Brodie is now standing and toddling along - and he loves to make people laugh.
Holly-Louise, a full-time mum from Dover, Kent, said: "Brodie was born this way - and it’s a blessing in disguise. He can’t do the stuff other kids are doing - but he’s thriving anyway. He’s a strong little fighter. He seems to be a pusher, he’s ridiculously happy - in fact, the only time I don’t see him smiling is when he’s in pain."
Brodie was born nine weeks prematurely, weighing 5lbs 4oz, on November 26, 2021. Nothing concerning had flagged during scans while Holly-Louise was pregnant and she and her partner, Liam Arbon-Davis, 27, a builder, believed Brodie's premature birth would just make him “short”. But as soon as Brodie was delivered, his parents could see there was something wrong.
Holly-Louise said: "He had to go through so many tests within the first month - no-one knew what was wrong with him. He had bloods, and they did ultrasounds on his kidneys and a skin biopsy. That was when they found the mutation. The PIK3CA mutation is basically a malformation in the blood vessels - affecting the lower half of his body. It wasn’t hereditary - neither myself or my partner carried it. It’s what they call a mosaic anomaly - just a freak accident, basically."
Brodie was allowed home from the NICU on December 23, 2021. But he has regular blood tests in case more of his organs are affected by the mutation - and he has constant access to a ward in case he’s ever ill or in pain. He experiences the most pain during the night - particularly after a long day, his legs can feel “achey”. The pain can often get so bad that regular painkillers like Calpol “won’t touch it”. Holly-Louise has been prescribed Oramorph - a type of liquid morphine - for Brodie.
His birth defects mean he’ll never be able to wear shoes - and he currently needs to wear adult-sized socks at just one-year-old. Holly-Louise said: "I’m never going to be able to buy him a pair of shoes for nursery. I can’t get him child clothes or socks - his legs and feet simply do not go into them. I don’t want him to get bullied - and we try and encourage him to love himself. I tell him, ‘you’re you. Love who you are.’"
Despite his conditions, Brodie is a “happy little boy”. Holly-Louise says he loves playing with his younger brother, 10-month-old Cade, and he has a knack for making his family members laugh. “He’s just an all-round happy little boy,” she added. “Even if he’s sad, he won’t cry for long. Brodie has a really cute little bond with Cade, he strokes his brother’s head, sometimes even pretends to feed him."
Cade was born less than a year after Brodie, on September 20, 2022, weighing 4lbs 11oz. He was six weeks premature - and born with just one kidney. Even though both her sons were born with severe medical issues just 10 months apart, Holly-Louise and Liam have managed to stay positive. She said: “I just crack on with it - I’ve had two traumatic births, but I don’t focus much on that. I get through it with laughter - I always try and see the funny side in my births, like when I had a c-section with Brodie - I always say I looked like a pig on a spit with an apple in its mouth. “We just try and turn the negatives into positives.”
Brodie's story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. He's a fighter, and despite being told he would never walk, he is now happily toddling around. His parents have managed to stay positive despite the odds, and are encouraging Brodie to love himself and be proud of who he is. It's an inspiring story that will give hope to many others facing similar struggles.