Planning Application Submitted for 556 Homes in Brigg

Key Highlights :

1. The development will include 290 homes, of which 156 will be three-bed and 130 four-bed homes.
2. All homes will have an EV charging point and those built to latest building regulations will have photovoltaic panels.
3. The development is planned for land off Wrawby Road, the A18, and to the south of the M180. Outline permission will also be sought for phase two, a further 266 homes that will extend the development further north while keeping a land gap with the motorway.
4. The 290 homes application comes with an array of documents, including bat surveys, a sustainability statement and detail on how people have already been informed about the development.
5. North Lincolnshire Council's leader was briefed about the emerging development plans in September 2022 and over 1,100 leaflets were sent out to local residents and businesses.
6. A one page viability assessment filed for the 290 homes application has argued it cannot be financially viable with any affordable housing, or S106 contributions.

     The sleepy market town of Brigg in North Lincolnshire is set for a massive transformation, as a planning application has been submitted for the construction of 556 homes. Bellway Homes (Yorkshire), Francis Colin Day, Richard John Day and Jalapeno Venture Limited, have applied for full planning permission for 290 homes on land off Wrawby Road, the A18, and to the south of the M180. Outline permission will also be sought for a further 266 homes, which will extend the development further north while keeping a land gap with the motorway.

     The 290 homes in phase one will be made up of four two-bed homes, 156 three bed and 130 four-bed homes. All homes will have an EV charging point and those built to latest buildings regulations will have photovoltaic panels. It is estimated these will provide around 30% of the development's energy needs. Each home will also have high levels of insulation in the ground floor, external walls and roof spaces.

     A road will be built to cater for a new bus route linking between Wrawby Road and Grammar School Road. This will also be flanked by walking and cycling routes. The proposed layout of the southern section of the 290 homes can be seen in the accompanying image.

     North Lincolnshire Council’s leader was briefed about the emerging development plans in September 2022 and over 1,100 leaflets were sent out to local residents and businesses. This invited them to have their say on a dedicated website.

     In what may be a forerunner for council planning debates to come, a one page viability assessment filed for the 290 homes application has argued it cannot be financially viable with any affordable housing, or S106 contributions. The latter covers developer funding for local amenities, such as school places or health services.

     Members of the public have until September 7 to have their say on the 290 homes phase one proposal. At the time of writing, two such comments had been made, with one resident strongly objecting. "The infrastructure in the town will not support this development," they warned. "The traffic in Brigg is horrific at peak times. I would suggest that lorries are not viable to use the route as the road shakes the houses as it is. I think that many houses is too many."

     While the land is greenfield, it is already designated by the council's local plan for future possible housing. With an outline application to follow, the development could number more than 550 homes.

     It is clear that this development could bring a great deal of change to the area, and local residents are encouraged to have their say on the application before the September 7 deadline. With the potential for 556 homes, it is an exciting time for Brigg and the surrounding area.

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