AirLife Utah Introduces Whole Blood Transfusions to Air Ambulance Helicopters
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AirLife Utah, the leading air medical service provider in the country and the parent company of AirLife Utah, recently announced that its air ambulance helicopters are now carrying whole blood, meaning that as patients are being transported to hospitals, they can receive transfusions in the air. Whole blood is the gold standard for blood delivery and is the best product for the human body, offering better and faster outcomes for the patient.
The introduction of whole blood transfusions to air ambulance helicopters is a major advancement in pre-hospital care. This is especially beneficial for rural residents who live long distances from a hospital or for rural hospitals with a limited blood supply. A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons found that whole blood transfusions improve the 30-day survival rate of patients suffering from hemorrhagic shock by 60 percent. The earlier patients receive whole blood, the better their outcomes, showing the significance of pre-hospital transfusion.
Moderately to severely injured patients, including those with head injuries, particularly benefit from whole blood transfusions. AirLife Utah officials pointed to a recent incident where a patient on blood thinners was able to receive a transfusion in the air. While some people need blood thinners for medical reasons, they can cause patients to bleed out faster when they have traumatic injuries.
AirLife Utah is committed to early activation in trauma settings to make the greatest impact on the citizens and visitors to Cedar City and the surrounding counties in southern Utah. Local EMS ground crews activating air medical transport early on, prior to arriving at the scene of a severe trauma, is a crucial component to getting this resource to the community.
Whole blood transfusions are a major advancement in pre-hospital care and will help improve the outcomes of patients with traumatic injuries. AirLife Utah is committed to providing the highest level of care to its patients and the introduction of whole blood transfusions is yet another example of their dedication to providing the best care possible.