Dealing With a Lonely Neighbor Who Invades Your Space: Advice for a 30-Year Marriage
Key Highlights :
It's hard to watch a loved one become consumed by an obsession, especially when it affects the quality of your relationship. This is the situation that one reader finds themselves in, as their wife has become obsessed with crossword puzzles, to the point where it is impacting their marriage. If she were their child, they would take away her phone, but since she is an adult, they are unable to do so. The reader has attempted to talk to her about it, but it hasn't helped. In this article, we will discuss the best way to handle this situation, as well as advice for another reader who is dealing with a lonely neighbor who has been invading their space.
When it comes to the reader's wife and her obsession with crossword puzzles, it is important to talk to her again and express that you are no longer willing to be ignored while she indulges in her obsession. Explain to her that what she is doing is unfair to you and the family, and suggest that the two of you consult a licensed marriage and family therapist. If she refuses, schedule some sessions for yourself. It may be that she is using her crossword puzzles to escape from the real world, and a therapist may be able to help her to find a healthier outlet for her emotions.
For the second reader who is dealing with a neighbor who has been invading their space, it is important to be polite but firm in telling them to leave you alone. If they ring the bell or knock, tell them that you are busy and cannot entertain them and shut the door. If they corner you and rant about you having gone to the store without them, tell them in plain English why you stopped doing it. It may be helpful to point out the other reasons why they have made themselves a social pariah, but it is also important to be mindful of how this may hurt them. It may be more beneficial to simply be direct and explain that you no longer want to have anything to do with them.
In both situations, it is important to remember to be polite but firm. It is also important to seek help if needed, and to remember that you are not alone in your struggles. Hopefully, this article has been helpful in providing advice for two readers who are dealing with difficult situations.