Poo from Baboons, Lemurs and Pigs Could Treat Ulcers in Diabetes Patients, UK Researchers Say
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Diabetes affects millions of people in the UK and can lead to a range of complications, including diabetic foot ulcers, which can lead to amputations. Now, researchers from the University of Sheffield have found that poo from endangered animals could hold the key to treating diabetic foot ulcers.
The team of researchers found that poo from endangered species, including Guinea baboons, lemurs and Visayan pigs, contain viruses which could kill the bacteria within diabetic foot ulcers. These ulcers are often resistant to antibiotics, making them difficult to treat, but the viruses found in the animal waste could be used in dressings to treat them.
The viruses, called bacteriophages, were discovered in the faeces of animals at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Professor Graham Stafford, who is leading the research, said: “We have been searching for new treatments for antibiotic resistance for a while and we are the first to look for such a virus in zoo poo. It’s a delight that endangered species are contributing to such a positive and powerful purpose.”
Diabetic foot ulcers lead to more than 7,000 amputations a year and cost the NHS £1 billion, but the researchers are hopeful that their discovery will lead to new treatments for the condition. They are yet to test the viruses on the ulcers of diabetes patients, but are hopeful that they have an important breakthrough.
The researchers have also identified helpful bacteria in the faecal matter of giraffes, binturongs and other endangered species. There are thousands of different types of bacteriophages, and they are seen as a new frontier in medicine, which could potentially be used to treat sepsis in the future too.
Dr Dinesh Selvarajah, a consultant physician at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Treating infections more effectively will have a significant impact on lowering the risk of amputations.”
The discovery of these viruses in poo from endangered animals could provide a new hope for diabetes patients with foot ulcers, as well as pave the way for new treatments for other conditions in the future.