Does Apple Need to Keep Releasing New iPhones Every Year? Tim Cook Weighs In

Key Highlights :

1. Apple is trying to be carbon neutral by 2030.
2. There are criticisms of the term "carbon neutral", but Cook says they're doing the work to reduce their footprint dramatically first.
3. Cook says they're open about their environmental initiatives because they want to be copied.

     Last week, Apple's CEO Tim Cook gave an interesting interview to Brut, a French media outlet. In the five-minute video, Cook addresses environmental questions, such as Apple's goal to become carbon neutral by 2030, what he does in his personal life to help the environment, and even if Apple needs to launch a new iPhone every year.

     To that question, Tim Cook said: “I think having an iPhone every year for those people that want it is a great thing. And what we do is, we allow people to trade in their phone. And so, we then resell that phone if it’s still working and if it’s not working, we’ve got ways of disassembling it and taking the materials to make a new iPhone out of.”

     The question of whether Apple needs to keep releasing new iPhones every year is an important one, as many experts criticize the term “carbon neutral,” as no company can achieve that in reality. To which, Tim Cook says: “I’d invite anybody to look at how we’re defining it on our website because what we’re doing is doing the hard work to lower our footprint dramatically and then whatever is left over, after doing all of these actions, we offset with high-quality offsets like managed forests and managed grasslands that pull carbon from the atmosphere. Our objective is to eliminate, as much as possible, prior to doing that.

     Apple’s CEO conceived this interview as the company took European journalists to visit Apple’s data center and photovoltaic installations in Denmark. Cook says that while Cupertino prefers to keep their products a secret before they’re ready to announce, the environment is different. “With our initiatives like the environment, we want to be very open because we want to be copied. We want people to be able to look at this field and say ‘I can do that too’ and we want people to be able to look at our recyclable materials and say ‘I can do that’. And so all of these projects, we’re being very open on, because we want to be the ripple in the pond that other people can look at and copy and it makes much more effect from an environmental point of view.”

     The full video interview is worth watching. BGR will keep following Apple’s plans to become carbon neutral, as well as its latest product announcements. It's clear that Apple is taking their environmental goals seriously and is willing to invest the necessary resources to achieve their goals. With Tim Cook at the helm, Apple is sure to continue to lead the way in terms of environmental sustainability.

Continue Reading at Source : bgr_com