iPhone users are reporting that Apple's latest iOS 17.1.1 update is ruining their battery life, with reports of charge draining within hours. If you'

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Key Highlights :

1. iPhone users are reporting that their battery life is draining quickly after installing iOS 17.1.1.
2. If you have an iPhone, you may want to consider not downloading the update.
3. If you have already downloaded the update, you may want to try reducing your usage of the phone to see if that helps.

     The tech giant released iOS 17.1.1 this week, which contained several security updates as well as a fix for a strange bug that meant the weather widget did not display the icon for snow. But the update has since been met with complaints from users who say their battery is draining quickly after installing it.

     Several iPhone users have taken to social media to complain about the update, with one user writing: "After updating iOS 17.1.1 there is heat issue and battery drains." Another added: "The battery life on iOS 17.1.1 is terrible!" and yet another user vented: "There's a major battery leak in iOS 17.1.1. It went from 100% to 87% in a short amount of time."

     Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, a researcher at ZDNet, has offered some insight into the battery issues, explaining that installing a new OS on an iPhone can trigger a lot of processes in the background, such as indexing and recalibrating the battery. This can consume power and give the impression that the battery is draining more rapidly when in fact it isn't.

     He also suggested that the battery drain could be a result of a lot of app updates happening following a new release, combined with a lot of new features available that may put more drain on an older handset.

     If you're worried about your iPhone battery and it's been a few days since you updated to iOS 17.1.1, Kingsley-Hughes advises checking your battery health. Go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health and if the message says it is good for Peak Performance Capability, then it's either just the normal stuff going on, or a bug.

     If your battery health is not good, then it's likely that the battery issue is due to the iOS update. In this case, you may want to consider rolling back to the previous version of iOS. To do this, go to Settings > General > Software Update and select the previous version.

     It's also worth noting that Apple is aware of the battery issues and is reportedly working on a fix. In the meantime, you can try a few other tips to help improve your battery life, such as turning off background app refresh, reducing screen brightness, and turning off location services.

     If you've updated to iOS 17.1.1 and are experiencing battery issues, there are several steps you can take to try and resolve the issue. From checking your battery health to rolling back to an earlier version of iOS, there are a number of options available to help improve your battery life.


     How to Fix Battery Issues After Installing iOS 17.1.1 on Your iPhone

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