The Mysterious Man Who Must Remain Nameless - Is Someone Up There Looking Out For Him?
Key Highlights :

The Man Who Must Remain Nameless has been in jail for over a month now. It is true that his cell has been enlarged and he has access to an exercise machine, but it is far from the luxurious lifestyle he enjoyed before his incarceration. Reports have recently surfaced that the source of corruption during the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf administration was actually his spiritual source, and not him. This revelation has seemingly absolved him of any wrongdoing, other than his selection of his spiritual source, and has given rise to the question - is someone up there looking out for The Man Who Must Remain Nameless?
The question is particularly pertinent in light of the spiritual source's credentials. It is said that they possess magic and two jinns who can listen in on conversations of unsuspecting individuals talking against The Man Who Must Remain Nameless. It is clear that all future heads of government need to be aware of the capacity of those who claim to have such powers.
The Chinese proverb states that he who blames others has a long way to go on his journey, he who blames himself is halfway there, and he who blames no one has arrived. It is clear that none of the party leaders have arrived yet, as their definition of arrival is in the Prime Minister's position. The quote from Cassius to Brutus - “the fault dear Brutus is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings”- is particularly pertinent here.
The Man Who Must Remain Nameless has lost his mastery with the arrival of the spiritual source, and yet it seems he may still be voted for again. This raises the question of whether the source of the corruption was really his spiritual source, or if Notification Maryam Nawaz's Calibri font is actually similar to his spiritual source's fount.
In conclusion, the question of whether someone up there is looking out for The Man Who Must Remain Nameless is a difficult one to answer. It is clear that he has been absolved of any wrongdoing, and yet the source of the corruption is still in question. It is clear that all future heads of government need to be aware of the capacity of those who claim to have such powers, and that the fault lies not in the stars, but in ourselves.