The Right Side or The White Side of History: Exploring the Racist Undertones of a Street Sign

Current World Trends

Key Highlights :

1. The author takes issue with a sign that says "You're either on the white side of history (as depicted by the American and Israeli flags) or the right side of history (the Palestinian flag … the one Rep. Rashida Tlaib flies outside her office in Congress)." The author argues that because they are white, they are automatically on the right side of history, and Hamas, who terrorised as many people as they could get their hands on, are automatically right.
2. The author also takes issue with multiculturalism, saying that it was a mistake. He argues that "who knew?" that multiculturalism was a mistake.
3. The author also argues that the sign's creators have a job or are living off the state.

     In recent years, the world has seen an increase in the number of Hamas supporters marching in countries around the globe. Recently, a photo surfaced of a street sign that has been causing a stir on social media. The sign reads “You’re either on the white side of history (as depicted by the American and Israeli flags) or the right side of history (the Palestinian flag…the one Rep. Rashida Tlaib flies outside her office in Congress).”

     The message of this sign is clear: if you’re white, you’re automatically on the wrong side of history. This is a dangerous and divisive message that is rooted in racism and bigotry. It immediately pits people of different ethnicities and backgrounds against each other and implies that one group is superior to the other.

     The creator of this sign is likely unaware of the implications of their words. While they may have intended the sign to be a statement of support for the Palestinian cause, the underlying message is one of racism and exclusion. It implies that anyone who is not white is automatically on the “right” side of history. This is a dangerous and damaging message that has no place in modern society.

     The sign also ignores the fact that most Israelis are not white and that many of the people who march in support of Hamas have immigrated to the countries on the “white” side. This shows that the sign is not only inaccurate but also ignorant of the realities of the people it is trying to represent.

     The sign also ignores the fact that there are many people of different backgrounds who are on the same side of history. People of all races and backgrounds can and do support the Palestinian cause without having to choose between “the right side” and “the white side” of history.

     In order to combat racism and bigotry, it is important to recognize and reject messages like the one on this sign. Instead of promoting division and hatred, we should be promoting understanding and acceptance. We should be celebrating the diversity of our world and recognizing that we are all on the same side of history.

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